Benefits of Membership

Laura Kleppe, CPH
Gardenworkz Outdoor Living

Environmental Construction comparing mulch.
As I reflect over the successes of last year and prepare my thoughts on the benefits of membership, I think of all my wonderful partners who help make my business complete. I could not do what I do (or serve my clients the way I want to) without their collaboration, expertise, guidance, laughter and wisdom. I define partner here in two ways: some of these partners collaborate and work for me. Our partnership is tangible. My other partners are partners in inspiration. They have an impact that is more felt than seen.

I see many members of APLD as these "inspiration" partners, even though I may have never worked or collaborated with them. The real benefit of APLD, to me, has come in the intangible connections and inspirations between our collective, creative minds. I can't quantify the way these partnerships impact both my business and myself.

East Side Tree Service clearing a hedge.
For instance, this year I have watched many of our newest members share the most amazing project photos. It has been so much fun to watch their businesses bloom. I have also seen so much collaboration on the Yahoo user group where the more seasoned members generously share their talents, tips and referrals. Most recently, The Flower and Garden Festival has once again demonstrated what great work can be done when like-minded people band together with a singular vision. The "brain trust" of knowledge within APLDWA is amazing - and the willingness of our members to generously share it is rare, and for that I am thankful to be a part of APLDWA.

Even so, you may feel that you need more concrete benefits to your membership. Here is a comprehensive list of benefits to APLD members:
  1. Directory in Members' Area
  2. Annual APLD Conference Discount
  3. Design Online, a monthly newsletter highlighting gardens, members, pertinent trends
  4. APLD Webinar Discounts
  5. Membership in Your Chapter and/or Virtual Community
  6. Ability to Join Additional State and Regional Chapters
  7. The Designer Magazine – Quarterly Publication
  8. Local Leadership and Networking
  9. Local ongoing training, mentoring, POD groups.
  10. 20% Discount on Books from McGraw-Hill
  11. State Advocacy Tracking
  12. Job Board *
  13. One FREE APLD Produced Webinar**
  14. "Find a Designer" Searchable Listing on Website listing**
  15. Portfolio on Website **
  16. Speakers Bureau Listing Design Dollars for Each Member Recruited ***
  17. Design Dollars for Each Member Recruited ****
  18. National Certification Program ****
  19. Hortica Errors & Omissions Insurance Discount****

Jim Honold installing a customer railing.
*Available at all member levels except Retired

**Available to Emerging Professional, Professional, Qualified Professional, and Fellow memberships

***Available to Educator, Professional, Qualified Professional, and Fellow memberships

**** Available to Qualified Professional and Fellow memberships

Finally, the last, but not least, benefit for us in Washington state is that this year APLD's International Design Conference is being held here in Seattle (July 25-28). This is the first time in many years that our chapter has had the opportunity to showcase this beautiful place we call home. The teamwork, dedication, creativity and passion that my fellow members have demonstrated in pulling this all together (all while managing their own businesses simultaneously) has been inspiring. I look forward to our continued collaboration and wholeheartedly welcome anyone else who would like to be a part of designing this event. Registration opens soon!

Not a member of APLD? Visit to join!

-African proverb

Spring is at our doorstep. Good luck out there!

Laura Kleppe, CPH

Marenakos installing a rockery.